Embracing Sustainability: Green Innovations in the Workplace

Enhancing Productivity and Well-being Through Eco-Friendly Spaces

The concept of Going Green is not new for business owners. It encompasses practices aimed at making spaces more sustainable for the earth and its inhabitants. The goal is to live harmoniously with Mother Nature, causing minimal to zero harm.

With an increasing societal consciousness about climate change and environmental destruction, many companies are now choosing spaces that align with a fluid design concept, blending seamlessly with an Eco-friendly mindset. The application of this green way of thinking has consistently shown how it elevates our well-being.

For instance, a 2017 study at Harvard University found that design significantly impacts our professional lives. Researchers examined 10 high-performing buildings across five US cities to study the relationship between building conditions and productivity and well-being. It revealed that working in green-certified offices resulted in a 26% boost in cognition and 30% fewer sickness-related absences. Similarly, workspaces built with sustainability in mind have shown similar rates of productivity and overall work wellness.

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it’s crucial for organizational success and the continued preservation of our planet.


What Does Going Green Look Like?

Going green is no longer loosely defined. For spaces to be considered green, they must earn a Green Certification. One of the most renowned organizations globally is LEED: Leadership In Energy and Environmental Design

Eco-consciousness revolves around three fundamental factors: design, construction, and daily operations, all under an environmentally aware umbrella.

Here’s how these factors contribute to environmental sustainability:

  • ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Eco-conscious office spaces prioritize energy conservation through efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • WASTE REDUCTION: Implementing recycling and composting programs and using sustainable water conservation practices help maintain an Eco-friendly office space.
  • SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS: Using eco-friendly materials like recycled or locally sourced building materials minimizes environmental footprint and promotes responsible resource management.
  • INDOOR AIR QUALITY: Ensuring healthy indoor air quality with proper ventilation systems and non-toxic materials is essential for a comfortable and productive environment.

Now, let’s explore the myriad ways organizations can incorporate sustainable design elements in green coworking spaces. This section focuses on the design and visual elements of going green and how they seamlessly enhance productivity and well-being:

  • NATURAL VENTILATION: Maximizing airflow and reducing reliance on air conditioning by incorporating windows and ventilation for fresh air.
  • OPTIMIZING NATURAL LIGHT: Architectural planning to maximize exposure to natural light, such as using glass partitions and skylights.
  • GREEN ROOFS AND WALLS: Utilizing rooftop gardens or green walls for insulation and improved air quality.
  • FLEXIBLE AND MODULAR FURNITURE: Using furniture made from responsibly sourced materials with modular designs to accommodate changing spatial needs and reduce waste.
  • DAYLIGHT HARVESTING TECHNOLOGY: Systems that adjust lighting based on natural light levels to complement available daylight.


Integrating Nature for Improved Mental Health

Research has shown a direct correlation between environmentally sustainable workspaces and overall mental well-being. Recent studies also highlight the profound connection between a person’s mental health and their exposure to nature. Consequently, many sustainable workspaces are integrating elements of nature into the workplace to positively influence employees.

Here are some ways they’re doing it:

  • BIOPHILIC DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Introducing natural elements like plants and water features into spaces with designs that mimic natural patterns and textures.
  • INDOOR PLANTS AND GREENERY: Strategic placement of indoor plants improves air quality and provides a sense of serenity, along with vertical gardens or living walls.
  • NATURAL LIGHT: Maximizing natural light contributes to a contented workplace.
  • OUTDOOR WORKSPACES: Creating outdoor areas with seating provides a refreshing alternative to indoor settings, often extending to green roofs or rooftop gardens.
  • NATURE-INSPIRED ART AND DECOR: Displaying artwork and decor featuring natural landscapes and earth tones to make the workspace feel less sterile.
  • WATER FEATURES AND SOUNDSCAPES: Incorporating flowing water and nature-inspired sounds evokes a sense of calm and tranquility.
  • RESTORATIVE SPACES: Providing quiet areas for individuals to relax and rejuvenate, with comfortable seating arranged to encourage calm.
  • WALKING PATHS AND GREEN CORRIDORS: Integrating walking paths or green corridors within the workspace layout to blend nature and productivity, encouraging movement and short breaks.


The Benefits to Us and the Planet

Implementing Eco-conscious practices within office spaces yields numerous benefits, falling under three main categories:


  • Reduces carbon footprint.
  • Conserves natural resources.
  • Protects natural ecosystems and promotes biodiversity.


  • Low operating costs due to reduced energy and resource consumption.
  • Increased property values and marketability.
  • Attracts Eco-conscious customers and investors.


  • Enhanced air quality and natural light improve health and mental well-being, leading to increased productivity.
  • Comfortable and aesthetically pleasing workspaces contribute to higher job satisfaction.
  • A sustainability atmosphere fosters a sense of purpose and pride among employees.


The Professional Centre’s Alignment with Green Solutions

Choosing a workspace that operates sustainably is essential for modern businesses. The Professional Centre’s property has earned a Gold Rating in the LEED-EBOM system, which measures operations, improvements, and maintenance to maximize efficacy and minimize environmental impact.

Facilities that achieve such certification excel in areas like Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), and Innovation in Operations.

TPC’s office location is also certified by BOMA BEST to the Gold level, recognizing excellence in energy and environmental management in commercial real estate. This offers our members various green-friendly amenities like electric vehicle charging stations, outdoor areas, and close (connected) walking proximity to an expansive plaza to save on other forms of transportation around Toronto city central.

In our technologically advanced world, it is crucial to find ways to thrive while enhancing the earth’s richness—a responsibility we all share. By working together, we can ensure our planet remains healthy and safe, just as it sustains us. 


Ready to elevate your work experience? Discover our flexibly designed and fully managed workspace solutions that blend form with function, crafted for your success and the well-being of our world. 

Embrace the benefits of green spaces that not only contribute to the planet but also enhance your own productivity and mental health—a true win-win scenario.





