10 Best Productivity Tips to Improve Your Life and Your Work

Let’s not procrastinate this, shall we? You want to be more productive, we’re here to show you how. We’ve got ten productivity tips for you to start using right away. Ready? Go. Tip 1: Do it. Now. Did you think that intro was short due to lack of space? No, we’re making a point.  Maybe you’ve got a lot of stuff on…   Read more

The Secret Power of the Personal Office

Are workers more productive in a personal office? If they are, how should that office be laid out? Really, what makes a good working environment anyway? All of these questions have answers, sure, but each one leads to yet another cycle of questions. If you work from home, you’ve no doubt had to face this idea head-on. Because there, you have a…   Read more

How to Best Design a Hybrid Work Environment

You must have heard of them by now, these fancy new work environments. In the wake of a global pandemic, people had to come up with all-new ways of gathering and working, and a few of these methods seem to have struck a positive chord. With all this talk of “Work from Home” here, and “Work from Anywhere” there, and how they’re…   Read more

The Shape of the Workplace in a Post-Covid World

We live in the waning days of a global pandemic. The existence of Covid-19 forced much of society to warp around it, and with it gone, we now must determine the shape of “back to normal”. In some cases, it’s a simple task of recreating what came before, but for employers, they face a special challenge. The working world experienced a surge…   Read more

The Benefits of Renting a Meeting Space in 2021

In a world where the COVID-19 pandemic pushes meetings into an online space, physical meetings take on a whole new role. Owning a meeting space of your own is expensive, and with many workplaces transitioning to online environments, an investment like that might not pay off. The financial benefits to renting a meeting space are obvious, but that’s not where things end:…   Read more

8 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance

Do you continue to take calls once you’re home from the office? Or check your emails on the weekends? It’s okay – a lot of us do it! But it’s not the healthiest of habits and the pandemic has only made it more of a common experience. With hybrid teams and remote work being the norm, it’s no surprise that we’re finding…   Read more

How COVID-19 Has Changed The Way We Work

It’s been a long year. Remember back in March, when we thought this was all going to be over in a few weeks? Well, 8 months later, it seems like we are finally at a stage of accepting the pandemic’s long-term effects on society. These changes will likely exist for several years, and the landscape of the working world is going to…   Read more

Transitioning to a Hybrid Workforce:

In the year 2020 there is only one thing that we can be certain of, and it is that we cannot be certain of much right now. With the state of the pandemic constantly evolving, our lives have changed many times over the last 7 months, and we have and will continue to adapt. The main lesson we are all learning is…   Read more

How to Navigate Returning to the Office

When COVID-19 first hit and cities issued stay-at-home orders, everyone’s major concern was whether or not they could adjust to a life of isolation. “It will be over soon, right?” was the universal phrase being uttered worldwide across virtual meetings and calls, over the course of March and April.  Now however, months into this new normal, we have all adapted (to varying…   Read more

Present to Post-Pandemic: The Benefits Of Flexible Workspaces

The flexible workspace industry understandably took quite a hit at the start of the pandemic, seeing an instant drop in memberships and events. A survey conducted by CoWorker in March 2020 showed that when the pandemic started, 71.04% of spaces experienced event cancellations, 65.99% saw meeting and conference room cancellations, and 34.68% saw membership cancellations. It also indicated that new tenants were…   Read more